This new system in the medical field is highly paperless and commonly used to provide information on patient billing. EMR as from 2014 will be a pre requisite for all hospitals to incorporate into their system. For those who do not adopt the new system then a set of strings are thought to be on the way. The strings will mainly come in the form of a series of penalties.
EMR 2014 Medate
Electronic Medical Recording comes with electronic test ordering with full history and exam notes; it also features clinical support tools such as drug warnings. Guidelines based screenings are also offered under this new system. The government intends to shift the health industry into a digital age and is set to provide incentives to those who adopt it.A doctor will typically have a laptop in which they type into while a patient describes the symptoms. This is made possible by the fact that EMR systems have in built templates for recording. Patients will also have the opportunity of signing in, in a secure website through their health care office website to view their records. Handwritten med lists and problem lists will be a thing of the past while recording errors will be considerably reduced.
Physicians who would not have added the new system by 2015 are set to be faced by a reduction of 1% in their reimbursements. The reduction in reimbursements is also set to increase in the subsequent year by 1% in each consequent year. Rural hospitals and small independent physician practises are set to face the hardest challenges in the implementation of EMR.
EMR 2014 Medate and Medical Billing Coding
According to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, physicians are set to receive up to $44000 in incentives with the implementation of the EMR. For this to be possible, Physicians will be required to demonstrate a proper use of the new system. This is mainly measured in stages. Stage 1 started in 2011 requiring providers to meet 14-15 core requirements and also be able to choose 10 other options.
Some of the requirements required in EMR include electronic file system of patients, transcription services, billing system and the health records. Physicians will be required to meet stage 2 by 2014 while stage 3 is yet to be defined. EMR contains advanced features such as interfaces that allow for data sharing among different health providers. Reporting tools are also provided to allow for clinical decision support.
The EMRs are supposed to meet technological requirements with more than 250 criteria in 40 categories for functionality. These features are mainly suited for large hospital systems as they require a massive chunk of employees to devote their time running the applications involved. It also involves the production of reports for management and clinical use. Physicians will be required to use drop down menus to enter clinical notes as the EMRs will be using structured data entry format
EMR Benefits in 2014
- EMR will allow physicians and nurses to have the easy access of patient information. This will allow for efficiency in delivery of services by saving lots of time.
- Easy updates of patient information would be possible as all the patient information will be converted to electronic format.
- Errors on patient information will considerably be minimized allowing for better legibility and completeness
- Patients would also have good access of their information no matter where they go.

EMR will not fully replace the medical transcription services; it is essentially designed to make it easier for healthcare professionals to go on with their day today activities. Transcription companies are preparing to develop a system that perfectly integrates medical transcription and EMR support. Integration of the EMR is made possible by the use of interfaces such as HL7. This allows the exchange of information between various computer applications.
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