Best ICD-10 Codes Apps for iPhone/iPad and Android available to download free or for small fee at iTunes and Google Play.
The ICD-10 is finally effective from October 01, 2015. Physicians, Medical Billers, Medical Coders and Health IT professional are wondering for ICD-10 mobile apps to map ICD-9 to ICD-10 codes.
There are plenty ICD-10 Apps with poor designed, bad usability and not functioning properly. These junk and so called free ICD-10 apps are waste of time for serious and professional medical coding practice.
Some Free ICD-10 Apps are good, but there are also vendors that offer the ICD-10 code lookups for free at first, but once they have you hooked they require a fee to continue. And some free apps also demand the user to go to the web site and buy another widget or two to continue using the original application.
We at MBC have brought to you an exclusive list of the best Free ICD-10 Apps for iPhone/iPad and Android recommended for health providers, medical billers and medical coders to help you out in well documenting your medical billing claims.
The ICD-10 is finally effective from October 01, 2015. Physicians, Medical Billers, Medical Coders and Health IT professional are wondering for ICD-10 mobile apps to map ICD-9 to ICD-10 codes.
There are plenty ICD-10 Apps with poor designed, bad usability and not functioning properly. These junk and so called free ICD-10 apps are waste of time for serious and professional medical coding practice.
Some Free ICD-10 Apps are good, but there are also vendors that offer the ICD-10 code lookups for free at first, but once they have you hooked they require a fee to continue. And some free apps also demand the user to go to the web site and buy another widget or two to continue using the original application.
We at MBC have brought to you an exclusive list of the best Free ICD-10 Apps for iPhone/iPad and Android recommended for health providers, medical billers and medical coders to help you out in well documenting your medical billing claims.
Best ICD-10 Apps for iPhone/iPad, Android (Free/Paid)
Below is our list of the best free ICD-10 Apps for iPhone/iPad, Android focused on providing ICD-9 to ICD-10 conversion as the essential function. Another important feature is a good index. If you’re doing a keyword search and a code has 15 different relationships, you want to be able to find all of them. These ICD-10 smartphone apps made your life easier while to search through around 70,000 new codes quickly and correctly.Quick ICD-10 App
MTBC free ICD 9-10 App enables you to narrow your search based on your specialty and chief complaint. The specialty specific tags are done pretty well. For example, if you select pediatrics, with one click you’ll be able to see the codes of Otitis Media and Acute Pharyngitis.
MTBC ICD 9-10 App
MTBC free ICD 9-10 App enables you to narrow your search based on your specialty and chief complaint. The specialty specific tags are done pretty well. For example, if you select pediatrics, with one click you’ll be able to see the codes of Otitis Media and Acute Pharyngitis.
DxCodeMapper ICD-10 App
DxCodeMapper is free and provides detailed descriptions of codes without any truncation. It allows for seamless conversion between ICD 9 and 10, but is missing some basic features, such as the ability to bookmark certain codes.
ICD-10 Lite App
Available since last July, ICD-10 Lite from iPremiumApps is both an Apple and Android best-seller with a 4/5 user rating. The diagnosis codes are all searchable by ICD-10 or traditional categories. Users can view the diagnosis and full text of its standard ICD-9 long description. 4 stars. Free.
TVN ICD-10 (With CM and PCS Codes)
The last ICD-10 App in the our list is not totally free, but comes with a very small price of $0.99 USD. But we are including it in the list due to its good rating on both smartphone platforms.
ICD 10 (With CM and PCS) is developed by TVN Labs and it nearly tops the Apple and Android list with a top user ratings. The App includes the latest Medical coding updates, offline access, ability to email data, print, bookmarks and code description list. Both landscape or portrait mode are well supported by the app.
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