30th Medical Transcriptionist Week 2015 in USA is celebrated on
17-23 May, 2015.
Medical Transcription Week is celebrated by Medical Billing, Coding and Transcription industry to acknowledge the important contribution of Medical Coders in Healthcare documentation.
Providing high quality patient care today does not happen solely in the exam room. Healthcare industry is a big pictures with many piece that together make sense. It includes medical service providers, medical transcriptionists, medical coder, medical billers, health insurance experts and Healthcare IT experts. Without any piece missing, the panorama simply will not be the accurate.
Medical Transcription comes into action, where quality documentation in required in Healthcare. It is through the perseverance of quality medical transcription that all patient medical information is available to clinicians today and in future for any follow up. The accuracy and completeness of this clinical information since becomes very important to deliver right treatment.
Medical Transcriptionist by doing proper, complete and discrete documentation of patients medical cases reduces the chance of errors in
healthcare services delivery and the charges billed against those services.
Medical Transcriptionist Week Gifts, Ideas, Games, Activities
We have seen many changes in Medical Transcription Coding industry. The symbolical change in the name of Medical Transcriptionist professional association from AAMT (American Association for Medical Transcription) to AHDI (Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity) itself indicates how the industry has transformed its scrope and operations. Now a days the job of Medical Transcriptionist has also transformed to healthcare documentation specialists. AHDI has helped medical transcription industry professional a lot to be recognized and to be identified in their new roles in the healthcare documentation panorama that also involves now medical billing, medical coding, medical billing quality assurance and healthcare information security.
Medical Transcriptionist no longer provides only conventional medical transcription services. Information technology incorporation in the Medical Transcription industry brought the new tools and techniques including Speech Recognition Technology (SRT), providing editing of text documents created by innovative speech recognition software platforms. SRT-generated documents utilize MT knowledge and skill in much the same way as traditional medical transcription had, but with the advent of a faster and more ergonomically friendly way to produce the documentation without the relentless "pounding" of the keyboards as in our past.
With the advent of digital dictation systems, websites and sophisticated software systems linked to electronic health record systems, now the documentation becomes available almost instantly into the patient's record through these systems. Software systems have also transformed Medical Transcription industry into green and paperless profession.
Because of the innovation and great strides made in technology for Medical Transcription, it also means our workforce is more independent and self-sufficient, with increased computer skills, greater expertise in reference and research, and more opportunities for Medical Transcriptionist to provide better service and faster turnaround times.
National Medical Transcriptionist Week History
National Medical Transcriptionist Week was established in 1985 by President Ronald Regan, after the Joint Resolution 332 passed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, to recognized the value and importance of medical transcriptionists.
After realizing how common it was becoming for patients to have multiple physician, changing physicians or referring from on specialty physician to other. Consequently a proper and legible medical transcription that is unanimously understood through healthcare system was inevitable. Association for Healthcare Documentation has preserved that historical
proclamation. Here under the full text for you to view:
National Medical Transcriptionist Week, 1985
By the President of United States of AmericaRecord-keeping is a vital function in our society, and one of the most important records for every American is the medical record. That record, including reports prepared and edited by a medical transcriptionist from physician dictation, is the permanent history of a patient’s medical care.
A century ago, physicians knew many of the patients from birth, knew all their ailments, and provided all their medical care. Today, with medical specialization and greater mobility among people, many skilled physicians may treat the average American during a lifetime. Using transcribed medical records, each physician can easily and quickly review a patient’s medical history even if the physician has never seen that patient before. Because of the work done by trained medical transcriptionists, patients can be assured that the history of their medical care is portrayed accurately and legibly. Medical transcriptionists have therefore become a vital link between the physician and the patient.
It is appropriate for our Nation to recognize the contributions of medical transcriptionists. We should encourage hospitals, allied health education programs, and community colleges to provide appropriate courses of instruction recognizing the high standards that must be met by medical transcriptionists and the vital function they perform.
In recognition of the need for medical transcriptionists in today’s society, the Congress, by Public Law 98-609, has designated the week beginning May 20, 1985, as "National Medical Transcriptionist Week" and authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of this event.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, RONALD REAGAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate the week of May 20 through May 26, 1985, as National Medical Transcriptionist Week, and I urge all Americans to participate in appropriate ceremonies in observances of this event.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and ninth.
Since this proclamation, Healthcare industry has evolved a lot since 1985, especially after the involvement of Healthcare IT, Electronic Health Records(EHR), Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), but they all have strengthen the role of Medical Transcription in the United States Healthcare system.
Medical Transcriptionist Week Gifts Ideas 2015
Beside usual Flowers, Cards and Chocolates gifts, find below the National Medical Transcriptionist Week Gifts Ideas for 2015 to make the celebrations special:
- Medical Coder T-Shirts
- Medical Coder P-Caps
- Medical Coder Mouse-Pads
- Medical Coder Key-Chains
- Medical Coder Ball-Pointers
Medical Transcriptionist Week Games Activities 2015
Here are some Medical Transcriptionist Week Games and Activities for you Medical Billing team. You can set the special prize(s) for each day activity on Medical Transcriptionist Week:
- Monday: Mad Lib
- Tuesday: Caption that Toon!
- Wednesday: Anagram Word Scramble
- Thursday: Crossword
- Friday: Word Search
Medical Transcription Future in USA
The market for Medical Transcription services in United States is on decline and the number of businesses providing Medical Transcription services are decreasing due to outsourcing in other countries like China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh due to availability of cheap human resources.
Medical Transcription Future in US is fluid due to increasing costs, healthcare reform and global economical factors. Smaller MTSO firms are closing their operations or being acquired by larger companies. Larger companies are looking out for effective EHR integration and new ways of revenue generation that go well beyond those offered just a few years ago.
However, Medical Transcription Industry is not going away in the future, though it will be reshaped. Whats your view on the future of Medical Transcription in United States. Feel free to share your through in the comments section.
On this National Medical Transcriptionist Week, MedicalBillingCodings.org wanted to wish all of our Medical Billing and Coding blog readers, contemporary blogger and industry professional a very
Happy Medical Transcription Week!