2014 is the year of major changes and accomplishments in health care industry. Considering the future changes in 2014 and Healthcare industry requirements the revision for new HCFA has been approved by NUCC and CMS. The new Revision of HCFA CMS-1500 is set to be effective from 1st April, 2014 for submitting Medicare or Health insurance claim.
New Revised CMS-1500 claim form is introduced to facilitate ICD-10 and to fulfill important requirements for health care claim in 2014 as the newer version of international classification of diseases the ICD-10 codes are ready for Health care industry use that will go on live from 1st October, 2014.
New Changes for 2014 HCFA in CMS-1500 revision
Following are the important highlights of changes in New HCFA for 2014.- Scanable reading QR code is introduced that is replacement of the symbol 1500
- New HCFA Provide facility to use ICD-10 codes as well ICD-9 codes
- New limit for billing diagnosis codes are 12 that was previously 04 in old HCFA
- To indicate role of applicable referring, ordering and supervising providers the two character Qualifier will be use on HCFA or paper claim.
Two character qualifier
DN-Referring Provider
DK-Ordering Provider
DQ-Supervising Provider

Provider and Healthcare professionals will be able to submit their claim with ICD-10 codes using new HCFA form version 02/12 because the old HCFA form CMS-1500, version, 08/05 support ICD-9 codes only. New HCFA version 02/12 support billing and coding more than four and up to twelve diagnoses on single claim.
Transition period for new revised CMS-1500 HCFA 02/12 is January-06 to March-31-2014
The testing phase or transition of new claim form has already begun, Medicare and other payers have started accepting claims filled on new revised CMS-1500 form version 02/12 from 6th January, 2014.All providers and Health care professional can submit their with using old claim form CMS-1500 version 08/05 till 31st March, 2014.
Note: From April 1st 2014 all providers’ health insurance claims must be filled only on revised CMS-1500 form version 02/12 otherwise you will receive rejections.
What you need to know for your Medical billing software and new HCFA update
You need to upgrade new HCFA version 12/12 in your Medical billing software, All practice management software, billing software should be capable for use of both version 12/12 and version 08/05.as per their claim requirement.
What you need to know for your Medical billing software and new HCFA update
You need to upgrade new HCFA version 12/12 in your Medical billing software, All practice management software, billing software should be capable for use of both version 12/12 and version 08/05.as per their claim requirement.
Follow below link to download and view further information
Download instruction manual for new HCFA version 02/12
Sample of new HCFA form for 2014
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